North Feltham Crane Corridor Enhancement
This project, led by the London Borough of Hounslow working with Friends Of the River Crane Environment (FORCE) and other stakeholders, focuses on a 5 km section of the Crane river corridor between the A30 and Hounslow Heath, and close to Heathrow Airport. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding will be utilised to improve the value and accessibility of Causeway Water Meadow, Donkey Wood and Brazil Mill Wood, increasing their environmental value, making them more attractive and welcoming for local communities to visit. Around a third of the Borough’s population live within a short walk of these open spaces, including some of the most disadvantaged residents. This part of the Crane Valley is already a high-value area for nature, but these run-down and uninviting sites are under-used by the public.
The project seeks to build upon improvement works undertaken in recent years and an initial community-engagement project funded by the Hounslow Community Fund. It aims to deliver a range of infrastructure and biodiversity enhancements including:
- Riverside Breedon riverside walking/cycle path, new informal pathways and repairs to an existing boardwalk
- Interpretation panels, signage, benches and litter bins
- New habitat including wetlands, ponds and meadow, and invasive species control
- Improved entrances to the spaces